Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Whitey You Owe Me

My take on the bullshit going on in Baltimore. I grew up in the Sixties and Seventies just on the border between Upper Darby Township, and West Philadelphia. Upper Darby back then, was just about as "White" as you could get. blue collar middle class families, just trying to pay the bills and maybe go down the shore for a weekend during the summer. The sixties and early seventies were rife with racism and violence on both sides, culminating in 1971 with the cold blooded murder of a neighborhood boy and friend of mine, Stephen Warrington.

My day would begin walking about 3/4 of a mile to St.Cyril of Alexandria Grade School in east Lansdowne, where typically we would learn while being abused at the hands of the Nuns. After school, we all would gather down the end of the street, and it didn't take long before the "Niggers" as we called them, would come down yelling "Get that White Mother Fucker", and "Hey Cracker Boy","I'm a going to KILL YOU" etc, etc. Soon we would trade rocks at each other, daring each other to come closer.

Sometimes we would go "One on One", always intervening on either side if your buddy was on the losing end. But not once did we use guns or knives. The Greeks along Powell Rd. were especially nasty though, put a few in the hospital after one of their girls was gang raped.

Would I consider myself a "Racist" back then? No way,as I NEVER considered my Race "Superior"even after after having my head busted open more than once simply for being a "White Boy". I could go on and on and on, from Sgt. Von Collins Murder by the Black Panthers in 70' at the Cobbs Creek Guard House (The Stables), to having you bikes, go karts, and even your clothes stolen off the back line.

My wake up call was June 5th, 1971, a day that changed my life and outlook forever. It was the day that Stevie was shot dead by a fifteen year old named Andre' Britt on Suicide Hill. As I ran up to where he was, he was spitting up blood, and had said "Help Me, I'm Dying". I was eleven years old and never saw anyone die in front of me. And to hear the black boys yelling "I got that White Mother Fucker!" Just brought out pure HATRED.

Over the years I have seen "White Flight" in Upper Darby, due to Section 8 housing. I've seen Blacks move in and destroy my neighborhood. And, in the last Ten or so years, attack whites randomly, although I could show you dozens of brutalities referenced on the web, You"ll probably say I'm making them up.  So just buy a police scanner and by all means listen to it.

Am I racist now? Depends on what you call Racist. After seeing innocent white people targeted in Baltimore just because they're white makes me want to pick up arms and settle the score? I'm not a Racist, I'm a concerned White Man for his Brothers & Sisters safety.

And to you liberal minded White "Folk" out there, to me you do not have a clue as to what is going on in America, protected in your single homes, away from the major cities. But the more I think about it? There are more Black Americans that have better values than you, who abhor any violence and thuggery, and are probably feeling embarrassed by whats going on.

Charles Mansion wanted a Race War, as he called it "Helter Skelter". If White and Black people keep allowing these thugs to attack them all in the lame excuse that one of their own got killed by the police, then I foresee a wicked summer approaching.


  1. You are nothing but a racist who demonizes black people!

  2. Wow really? Grow some balls and post under your name loser.


Mikhaila Peterson - Vaccine Passports?

Personally? I think that this is leading to a total global takeover. And it has been predicted