Many Americans, and especially Trump supporters, have had it with:
Anyone named Bush
Anyone named Clinton
Anyone who's held political office
Illegal immigration
Political correctness
Massive unemployment
Phony "official" unemployment and inflation figures
Welfare waste and fraud
People faking disabilities to go on the dole.
VA waiting lists
TSA airport groping
The Federal Reserve's money-printing schemes
Wall Street crooks like Jon Corzine
Michelle Obama's vacations
Michelle Obama's food police
Barack Obama's golf
Barack Obama's arrogant and condescending lectures and appology tours
Barack Obama's criticism/hatred of America
Valerie Jarrett
" Holiday trees"
Hollywood hypocrites
Global warming nonsense
Cop killers
Gun confiscation threats
Stagnant wages
Boys in girls' bathrooms
Whiny, spoiled college students who can't even place the Civil War in the correct century...
And that's just the short list.
Fucking A